RRC Mini Market
We are selling our second-hand gear on the 28th of January 2024 to raise money for our retired horses!
Do you have horse gear you want to get rid of, take it with you and you might sell it on the day .
We will have our lovely Tree paddock available for you and your second-hand horse gear. Bring your own table. Bring your friends and family and enjoy our Mini Show.
If you don’t want to bring your gear back home and it is still usable, we are happy to take it of your hands and sell it another time. The revenue from any gear sold or donated will go to our retired horses and their care. Help a good cause! Also please note donations are welcome! Looking forward to seeing you there!
For more information, please call Amelie or Dee on 02109124576.
Kind regards the team at Waimak River Riding Centre Ltd.
For Sale:
- Saddles
- Stock Saddles
- Bridles & bridle parts
- Stirrups
- Bits
- Saddle blankets
- Helmets
- Breeches & other clothes
- Gloves
- Chaps
- Riding boots and jodhpurs
- Covers
- Travell boots
- Etc.