Our trek horses are seasoned veterans. Many of them have been doing these treks for more than 10 years and are accustomed to riders of all ages, levels of ability and experience. The information we ask you to supply prior to your trek is to help us match you with the right horse. For example, some horses are more sensitive to weight or need a more experienced rider. Don’t forget to give your horse lots of pats during and after the trek!

Trekhorse - Retired
Hello my name is Ace, and I am a trek horse at WRRC and also a Standardbred. I was born into the harness racing industry but never actually raced. My racing name was Mecca Royale and I am now 23 years young (born 19/9/1997). I am the matriarch and top mare of the herd of trekkers here and it is my job alongside my other half Bill as well as Tonne to keep everyone in line so sometimes I can come across a bit bossy, but I really do know best! When it comes to trekking I am also the very best at my job and have taken people of all ages from 5 to 85 for treks as I am one of the most sensible horses on the team. While with clients I am hoof-perfect, when I get the opportunity to go out with the staff I love to go fast and am super speedy! One of my favorite snacks is the Willow leaf and luckily for me we have heaps of Willow trees in the trekking area. If I see a branch on the ground while we are trekking I sometimes try to drag it along with me and snack on it!

Sharing my birthday (born 16/11/2002), with my friend Nimo, I am 18 years old and my racing name was Talkative High (probably why they called me Dory). As an ex-harness racer I started 105 times, the most out of any of the other trek horses at WRRC. I only won 2 races though, so obviously I wasn’t quite cut out to be a champion. But I certainly feel like one here at WRRC as the staff often refer to me as the golden girl or the natural trekker. Maybe it is because I am very calm and have a super temperament and therefore often take children as well as adults for treks. But that doesn’t make me a slug oh no! I love to get the job done efficiently and effectively and can be quite a speedy walker like most of the mares at WRRC. When given the chance I love to go for a good gallop (not allowed in harness racing), so please people just let me have a good hoon before asking me to slow down, I guess it’s my inner racehorse coming back out!

Twenty years ago a beautiful lady who was woofing at what was then Waimak River Horse Treks came with one of the owners to look at buying me. She fell in love with me then and insisted that the owners bought me so here I have been for the last 20 years. Born 11/12/1995) my racing career was very short lived in fact I never did get entered. Unlike most race horses I never got a fancy racing name, mine was ‘Jag’ which is still my name today! I absolutely love being a trek horse and regularly wait at the gate to make sure I get chosen to go out, sometimes if I don’t get chosen I try to sneak out the open gate when no one’s looking! When I go out on treks I am normally the leading guide horse as I am a natural leader and get a bit frustrated behind slow walkers. My favourite part of each trek though is when we cross the Waimakariri River. I love to splash and try and get my rider soaked as well, I don’t like them missing out on the fun! The river gets a bit too cold for splashing in the Winter time though so I have a big holiday and enjoy the company of the other older horses especially Ellie, who I have had a crush on for a long time.

Hi, my name is Oliver
I am Waimak’s Clydesdale puppy. I arrived at Waimak with my mates Radler, Warrior, Stevie and Courage. Dee brought us here and now we are part of the Waimak team, which s awesome. I’m still in training but getting better day by day. I love cuddles and attention from the humans, thats why I am the welcome party when you enter the property. Love my food and will let every one know.

Hey my name is Dash (born 29/12/2007). I’m one of the big boy Standardbreds out at WRRC! I joined the trekking team a few months back and have taken to trekking like a fish to water and absolutely love the job! However, I also like to flash my moves out in the arena occasionally, what can I say – I’m a horse of many talents. I even managed to win 2 races I was entered into whilst I was in the harness racing industry. Nowadays though, I love to trek along the beautiful Waimakariri River, and wow my clients with my friendly and willing attitude, I have already managed to gain just a few admirers in my short time at WRRC – including the staff!!

Trekhorse - Retired
Aka “Bilbo Baggins”
Hello my name is Bill and I’m a trek horse at WRRC! I am 23 years old (born 12/01/1997) and am a Standardbred who used to be a harness racer. I raced down South and only had 9 racing starts as my racing career was cut short as I broke one of my back legs, luckily I recovered and am now happy and healthy. It isn’t uncommon for racehorses to get injuries like mine but I am definitely super lucky to have recovered! My racing name was ‘Sir Miles’, but these days I am known as the ladies man of the paddock as I always share my hay with the girls in my paddock, Ace and Dory. Being a trek horse is a lot of fun and over the years I have taken people of all ages and backgrounds for treks, but now as I am getting a bit older I get to have a big holiday every Winter with some of the other semi-retired horses. This gives me plenty of time to fulfill my other job as one of the top horses in our paddock’s pecking order. Meaning I get to boss everyone around and make sure I get the best patches of grass to eat!

Aka “Rocky Balboa” (boxing fame!)
Born on 27/12/2000, Almost a Christmas baby and at 20 years young I am considered one of the young guns. In the racing industry I was called Shakem, and even though I qualified I never actually competed, the staff at WRRC reckon it’s because I was too slow, but they all love my canter! However out trekking I sometimes have to be reminded to keep up with the others I’m a bit of a dawdler taking in the beautiful sights, smiles and especially the grass in the trekking area. While I was racing I wore something called a bearing rein which fixed my head in a certain position meaning I head to hold my head up all the time. Over time this has resulted in me sticking my head out to the side with my mouth open especially when I go up hills, some things that we experience as race horses we just don’t forget sadly. I have a big personality and one of my favorite things in the world is food! While the other horses may wait patiently, if I run out of hay while I’m waiting to go out for a trek I squeal and squirm until someone brings me more! Another great part of being a trek horse is going down to the river in which I enjoy a good splash on most warm days!

Hi, my name is Art and I am one of the trek horses at WRRC, but I am also an ex-harness racer! My racing name was Anna Kareem and my sire was Art Major- hence my name ‘Art’. I only raced 5 times during my racing career, but I managed to win one race! That was a while ago now though, before I was lucky enough to join the trekking team at WRRC. Now, I love cruising through the trails, especially with my best mate, Chip. Out in the paddock I can also usually be found glued to Chip’s side. I am a very friendly, laid back boy and love interacting with my clients, especially when they give me treats! I am 11 years young (born 6/10/2011), so I have many more years of river splashing, trail exploring and fun at WRRC to look forward to!

Hi, my name is Stevie

Hi I am Warrior, Im a intraining to be a trekhorse one of these days.

Trekhorse - Retired
Aka “Jelly Bean”
The daintiest little trek horse at WRRC. I am also an ex-Standardbred Harness Racer. I am now 26 years old (born 15/11/1994) and my racing name was ‘Kelly’s Trickster’. I only raced twice in my career and placed 12th in both of them, clearly, I wasn’t made to be a racehorse! But I have found the best job ever since I love being a trek horse and everyone tells me I do a fantastic job. My favourite clients are children – they don’t weigh very much and even if they are a bit frightened I always look after them. It’s great because I am like a big kid, I love to have fun and am a speedy walker who is always ‘on a mission’. However, being little means I always get much wetter in the river than my taller friends, so going swimming is always a good adventure! Now that I am older I’m not working quite as much as I used to, and the best part is that I get special food made for older horses which I really love!

(Pronounced Nemo like the fish) During my short racing career (7 starts) I was known as Sharky because my father’s name was Mystical Shark! I am now 18 years old (born 8/11/2002). The staff at WRRC think I may have been drug abused while I was in the industry because my previous owner was recognized to do this, this isn’t entirely uncommon. Sometimes people will do whatever they have to, to try and make us run faster. I have done quite a bit in my life; from racing, riding lessons, to pony club and competitions, but trekking is definitely my number one job nowadays. While I may be a bit slower than some and a bit cheeky when it comes to stealing a snack on the trails I love my job and have given many clients a great trekking experience. I love to go for a good canter and often take more experienced clients for a bit of faster work. While some may expect Dory to be my best mate, Syd definitely fills that role. Syd and I are happiest in each other’s company and are often glued to each other’s side in the paddock. I am relatively low in the herd pecking order and Syd sticks up for me when the others are a bit tough on me which I am very thankful for!

Trekhorse-Semi Retired
Hi my name is Tonne. Extremely handsome even if I do say so myself! I’m the one everyone wants to take home with them as I make it easy for people to ride me, but they are not dragging me away from WRRC – this is home for good! Although I am a standie I never actually raced. My racing name was Canny Dare (yes he can!) and I am now 23 years old. I arrived at WRRC from a dairy farmer in Dunsandle many years ago where I just spent my time eating as much luscious long grass I wanted and ended up quite overweight. That’s why I was named Tonne, which is German slang for beer barrel, but now I am happy and healthy! I am a true gentleman out on the trails and am very good at my job. However, in the paddock I am a bit of a dictator and have been the boss for many years, well Jag and I still have the odd disagreement about it. I take a lot of pride in my work both out on the trails and in the paddock. I have taken countless people for treks the most famous being Stan Walker, I really am the only one worthy! Water is my favorite thing to play in and adore splashing myself, my rider and all those around me. In the paddock I love to roll in the mud and during Winter I even plant my face in the mud not to mention the rest of my body, gotta keep the staff warm by spending so much time and effort brushing me.
Hi, my name is Courage

Hi I am Max, I came to WRRC in 2022 and am loving my life. I am born in 2005 and I am a very realxed little man with a hart of gold. I will bring everyone safely back to base.

Waimak River Court Jester
The most colorful of them all! Born and bred at WRRC 17 years ago (born 2003). My mum is the beautiful Cadbury, who I still get to see daily as she is only a few paddocks away. My full name, is Waimak River Court Jester, quite a mouthful really, but just refers to my colorful coat. Initially I was a dressage horse and competed successfully in several competitions with my owner, Erika, but due to a floating accident my career was cut short – had something to do with trying to climb out of the front window of the float – turned out not to such a great Idea after all! I am now Paige’s guide horse, living the quiet life out on the trails, which I really enjoy. Whether it is a relaxing stroll or a bit of a hoon I love heading out on the trails, going for adventures when I am not on the job and have found lots of interesting paths over the years which have now become a part of our standard trekking routes along the Waimak. I have a very smooth gait, something I still remember from my dressage days! I am quite a handsome chap, and some of the other trek horses tend to get a bit jealous of my good looks, I am a skewbald after all!

Being the “Baby” of the team is sometimes hard the old boys and girls have been very ”helpful” in pointing me in the right direction – there is a lot to learn you know, so they think I am a slow thinker – thing is I am just taking my time to be sure I am doing it right. You do believe me?Anyway what I lack in brains I really make up for in beauty and am often referred to as one of the best looking horses on the team, which is true of course! During my very short racing career I was known as Swap Around. I am 9 years old (born 20/11/2011. On arrival at WRRC I was named Syd after Syd Barret by one of the staff. However, I seem to relate more to Syd the sloth from the movie Ice Age as I can be a bit of a slow walker .Although what I haven’t been at WRRC quite as long as everyone else, I have slowly established my place in the pecking order as I have learnt to relax. My best mate is definitely Nimo and we can always be found together in the paddock and are happiest in each other’s company out trekking.

Hi, my name is Hank. I am Waimak’s tallest gentle giant (17.2hh), even a little taller than Oliver. I am born on the 4th of November 2009. I have an awesome atlethic body and very long legs, what makes me a fast walker if I need to. I love being on a trek and being part of the team. My place is at the back of the line so I can keep my eye on everyone in front.
Hi my name is Diva.
Operating Hours
6 days a week every day of the year except Christmas Day, Boxing day and New Years day.