Age: 24
PRICE: $800 ono
Trekking horse, standardbred, with 15 years of trekking/trail riding experience.
Rocky is an absolute dude, very sweet and trusting to a confident person. Excellent ground manners. Has been trekking with us and always the first at the gate when we get them up to go trekking. Loves attention and food. Will let you know when he runs out of food, gets very vocal. He is sensitive to the pampering approach. He has good gaits. Good with other horses and respects break fences. Good for farrier, dentist, float, worming and a good doer.
Testimonial of Rocky
I qualified as a racehorse but never actually competed, the staff at WRRC reckon it’s because I was too slow, when I am out trekking, I sometimes have to be reminded to keep up with the others as I’m quite a slow walker, or a dawdler as the staff often refer to me as. I just like to take in the beautiful sights of our trekking area too! While I was racing, I wore something called a bearing rein which fixed my head in a certain position meaning I had to hold my head up all the time. Over time this has resulted in me sticking my head out to the side with my mouth open, especially when I go up hills, some things that we experience as racehorses we just don’t forget sadly. I have a big personality and one of my favorite things in the world is food! While the other horses may wait patiently, if I run out of hay while I’m waiting to go out for a trek I squeal and squirm until someone brings me more! Out in the trekking area there is also a lot of long green grass which I sometimes just can’t resist. Another great part of being a trek horse is going down to the river in which I enjoy a good splash on most warm days!
For a visit or more information please email [email protected]